Extra Weight

“You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35 NLT).


For the last several months, Bob and I just can’t get off the subject of HOPE.  Our culture is craving anticipation for the future and joy in this journey called LIFE.   Those of us who are walking and talking with Jesus have so much to offer when it comes to a lifestyle of peace and joy.


An important key to living above the HOPE-LINE is staying light...casting off the cares that we weren’t meant to carry.  Taking off the extra weight!


Another way to stay light is to be a giver.  Freely giving what we have received keeps us from getting too heavy as well. Just this morning while talking to our oldest son Chris, he came up with this concept.  The light turned on for me and my spirit leaped and said, “Yes!”  I had never thought about the relationship between staying “light” and being a giver!


Every day is full of opportunities to give away love, mercy, forgiveness, presents, encouragement, time, attention, gentleness and kindness.  Giving is serving, considering and preferring others as more important than ourselves. There have been times that I give out of my overflow, and there are other times that my giving is a sacrifice.


My encouragement to you today is to ask the Holy Spirit to help you quickly recognize opportunities to give.  Why carry the extra weight?  As you have freely received, freely give.  You will feel hope rise in your heart giving you a spring to your step and a lightness to your walk.


Have a wonderful weekend our dear friends,

Love Audrey


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