Never Alone

We all know what it’s like to feel lonely.

It’s a hollow emptiness, a feeling of isolation and disconnection. And we don’t even have to be by ourselves to experience it. We can feel lonely in a relationship, in a crowded room, even among friends.

Why do people have to feel this way? Millions of people in this world, all of them craving connection, and looking for something specific (not sure what) to satisfy them and yet inadvertently isolating themselves in the process.

It’s normal to be lonely sometimes but not all the time. It’s good to spend time exploring unknowns, alone. Having alone time should feel like having some downtime - not feeling alone.

There are practical steps you can take to help alleviate the feeling of loneliness. Establishing a true sense of belonging allows you to be lonely with never being alone.

How to fix it:

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and take action sooner rather than later. The feeling of loneliness may be factual but is it truthful? Although loneliness is a part of being human, the pain of loneliness does not need to be an abiding emotion of suffering.
  2. A cycle of isolation can be effectively broken by making the first move. Rather than waiting for an invitation use what you have, “to do good and to share what you have” (Heb 13:16). One of the most effective antidotes to loneliness is in helping others. The Bible says there is healing through helping: "Those who are kind reward themselves" (Prov. 11: 17).
  3. Loneliness is a time to become better acquainted with God and His abiding presence. In your moments of loneliness, you can learn to better recognize how near He truly is. King David says in the Psalms 139:7, "Where can I flee from your presence?” Nowhere. You will never be in a place where God isn't. You need to refocus on that when you feel lonely.

Finally, God (Our Father) calls us His own special people (His family). God’s intention has always been to call out and equip a people who will proclaim His praise and spread His blessing throughout the earth.

    “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special     people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.” -1 Peter 2:9

You are chosen. I know it can be painful to be alone. And I know the thoughts of being set aside are loud andat times overwhelming. Don’t give way the temptation of believing in the hollow emptiness of feeling unnoticed.

Today choose to look beyond the immediacy of the moment. Allow this season to reveal a deeper knowing of how completely loved, forgiven and cherished you truly are. You may be sincerely overwhelmed. But as a friend, let me remind you that you’re not alone and that your situation isn’t unique to you.

There is reason to Praise the Lord. He is not bound to our boundaries, nor tied by our time. His resources are unlimited. His power and authority unequalled.

You are never alone.


P.S. I know our weekly Live Transformed Pod Cast will be of immense encouragement and help for you. This Thursday, Audrey and I are with Dr. Jim Richards, and we’ve been getting a great response - if you haven’t explored our weekly podcast, you can catch up!  This Thursday we will be talking about acceptance and approval.  The law of effortless transformation is that you become like the God you believe in. Prepare to get challenged with the probing questions that will identify your real source, and leading you to deeper layers of peace in Jesus.